Saturday, March 20, 2010

Did you know...

Austin now has GLASSES!
Austin reads to me each night (a homework assignment) for about 20 minutes. At first, we had some issues...he doesn't like to be wrong and if I corrected him...oh boy! Anyway, he has vastly improved and rarely struggles with the words and intonations. Phew!

One of the main issues he had was focusing (as in--paying attention) on what he was reading. At least that is what I thought. I would grow more and more impatient. I knew he knew the words, but he would kind of space out for a minute. And then he started just making silly substituting a word with another that had similar letters in it. It finally dawned on me...he isn't having problems focusing/paying attention...he just literally was having focusing issues.

To make this dragging story shorter...I took him to the Optometrist (sp?!) Well it turns out, he has a bad astigmatism (thanks to his loving mother :)) and a lazy eye to boot (not me). Nice. So he got glasses. But now we get to figure out the lazy eye thing, with a specialist. And then the doctor told me that this is a familial trait, and I should have the other kids checked as well. I have appointments for them in a couple weeks with a we'll see what happens (pun intended).

Ok, done rambling...for now, at least.


Justin and Beth Vail said...

Austin looks so cute with his glasses. Does he like them?

Olivia Carter said...

"see" what happens- HAHA! I seriously love puns.

Those glasses are so cute on him! Congrats!

Laura said...

Oh, the joys of figuring out kids' vision. Who are you taking them to? Austin looks great with his glasses!